Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Growing up i  wasn't really in to fairy tales i was more into barbies. I did watch alot of tv. My favorite show was the Magic school bus. I watched that show before i went to school and when i got home. That was my favorite show out of them all. There were a couple other like out of the box, zabomafo, scooby doo, telitubes, etc . GOOD OL DAY'S WERE KIDS GREW UP BEING KIDS..

Thursday, March 24, 2011


From your research, what did you find out about stop motion? What is it? What does it do or look like?

a STOP MOTION is basicly were you draw something and take a few pic of it and contnue your drawing as  well as talking pics and when you run the film it looks like thing will appear. its realy kooool.


Discuss the importance of doing something you love.

It is important to do something you love because how will you know what you love if you dont try.
If you dont try at all you will never know what you love or even like.
If you do things you love you will feel more better at it.
You doing the thing that you love will  make you a better person in life.
you doing things that you love will make people happier.
You doing things that you love will make the world a better place
you should do things to make your self happy bc if not you will be a real misrable person.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

post #4

Why is it important to have things to look forward to? What are you looking forward to in your life and why?

It is important to have thing to look forward to because with out looking forward to something you want have value of meaningful thing. I am looking forward to succsess because thats what i feel i am destin to be susseful.

Monday, March 7, 2011


For spingbreak i will be  in north carolina. That is where i am from. I move to texas in my 5th grade summer. I have no family here in texas but my mom. I have new family members that i havent meet. I cant wait to go. I miss my family so much. There will be four hard parts about this trip. The hard parts are the ride there, missing all the fun for a week with my friends in texas, leaving my family again, and the ride back home. I hope this trip will be fantastic.