Tuesday, May 24, 2011

post #4

My favorite thing about this year is over coming all of my issues. With friends and teacher. its all a good thing  to over come things. It makes you better as a person. I also like prom it was so beautiful and fun. When there is an event that causes shopping, dressing up and heels count on me to be there. It makes me happy.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I dess depending on the day. I dress according to what my days agenda holds. I also dress how i feel. I like to feel good in what ever i wear. At the  same time i love to look good. I think that how you dress complments who you are and isnt what you are.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

post #1

taks  :( :(

i couldnt stay focused  but i tryed to.  i would eat crakers and drink juice but mu motavation was that its exit level.
  • love
  • ms bearce support
  • consitration 
  • exit level
  • passing
  • collage
  • drive  

    post #3

    summer time!

    This summer time i would like to do productive things. I want to do writing and get better lyricaly for the cipher. I want to get a job so that i could posibly get a car.  i would like to have a lot of fun with friends because seniour year is coming. i would like to not get pregnant this summer lol . I want to just have fun and enjoy my self. spend time with my HUSBAND lol.

    Monday, May 2, 2011

    post #2


    Love '
    love is more than the pink hearts and the high school sweet hearts
    the googlie eyes on vallintines day
    were is the passition past getting rich living in mantions
    love yeah what is it and how do you know when its looking you in your face
    because he said your sexy and his chick badd naww
    tell your self your beatiful and much more than that
    once you see your a queen not in need of a king
    your worthyyyy

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    post #6

    Who is the main character: both characters
    Are there supporting characters: no
    What is the plot: an easter egg hunt'
    What is the conflict: one kid doesnt get candy
    What is the setting: A easter egg hunt at a church
    What happens at the end to wrap everything up: the kid gets candy
    Will you be adding music or voice: don't know yet

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011


    Growing up i  wasn't really in to fairy tales i was more into barbies. I did watch alot of tv. My favorite show was the Magic school bus. I watched that show before i went to school and when i got home. That was my favorite show out of them all. There were a couple other like out of the box, zabomafo, scooby doo, telitubes, etc . GOOD OL DAY'S WERE KIDS GREW UP BEING KIDS..

    Thursday, March 24, 2011


    From your research, what did you find out about stop motion? What is it? What does it do or look like?

    a STOP MOTION is basicly were you draw something and take a few pic of it and contnue your drawing as  well as talking pics and when you run the film it looks like thing will appear. its realy kooool.


    Discuss the importance of doing something you love.

    It is important to do something you love because how will you know what you love if you dont try.
    If you dont try at all you will never know what you love or even like.
    If you do things you love you will feel more better at it.
    You doing the thing that you love will  make you a better person in life.
    you doing things that you love will make people happier.
    You doing things that you love will make the world a better place
    you should do things to make your self happy bc if not you will be a real misrable person.

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    post #4

    Why is it important to have things to look forward to? What are you looking forward to in your life and why?

    It is important to have thing to look forward to because with out looking forward to something you want have value of meaningful thing. I am looking forward to succsess because thats what i feel i am destin to be susseful.

    Monday, March 7, 2011


    For spingbreak i will be  in north carolina. That is where i am from. I move to texas in my 5th grade summer. I have no family here in texas but my mom. I have new family members that i havent meet. I cant wait to go. I miss my family so much. There will be four hard parts about this trip. The hard parts are the ride there, missing all the fun for a week with my friends in texas, leaving my family again, and the ride back home. I hope this trip will be fantastic.

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    post #6

    If i had a million dallar's  it would make me happy. I could do thing like not worry about my grades for a scalar ship because i could pay for collage. I could do thing with the lest fortunate and maybe start my own lil non profit group. I would try to make the world more postive as posible.  I would help people that need it like with their hair nails clothes and shoes etc.. I like making people feel better about them self. Most of all i would donate to the church and help my mom get new cloths. I would take me and all my peps shopping but for reasonabel things. And the rest is for the bankk.

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011

    post #5

    My favorite youtube video is a video of my self with the group i am in the CIPHER. The video is of us performing. At the pecon festival. I had fun and injoyed my self very much.


    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    post #4


    Friends  can be positive by wanting you to do the right thing and always trying to be there for you. Good friends will be there for you know matter what threw thick and thin. that a positive thing.

    friends can lead you to do thing you dont want to do like smoking it all depends on what you want to do

    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    post #3

    The  dont's about face book. 

    • Post About How Much You Hate Your Job
    • Show That You Support Underage Drinking Through Your Pictures
    • Post Evidence That You Cheated On Your Significant Other
    • Ask For Help So You Can Plagiarize
    •  Post Naked Pictures of Your Ex
    • Extort People Through Facebook
    • Update Your Status While Robbing A House
    • Admit You Aren't Going To Be Home For While
    •  Brag About All Your New, Expensive Items
    • Admit To A Crime On Facebook

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    post #2

    The things that i would take would be thing that comfort me and the things mean the most to me.

    My list
    • All of my bibles "Jesus is my savior so all goes to him"
    • All and any thing of mine that related to god
    • My digital camera
    • All of my CIPHER things
    • My pictures on the wall 
    • My awards
    • shoes
    • my ipod 
    • my cell Phone
    • My picture of my grandma 
    • a cover and pillow
    • tv and some dvd
    • my teddy bears 
    • head phones 

    • browser 
    • veiwer 
    • canvas 
    • timeline

    Friday, January 7, 2011

    Post #1 4th six weeks.

    Movies Movies. Over Christmas break i watch several movies. Some were funny and other's were sad, maybe even scary. At the same time they were all very entertaining. The one That stood out the most to me was Paranomal activity. This is a scary movie about a lady who has a demine in side of her. she has a husband who try's to help her. In the end they both die from the demine.