Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The thing that people should know the most about me is that no matter what i am fun. I always like to be out going and stand out as well as shine. I love making people laugh,cheer up, and be happy. The overall thing people should get from pictures of me is happiness. Joy is the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to a great peaceful life. Live life to the fullest and never give up is a great logo to go by.

Thankful post #3

The thing that i am most thankful for is to be alive. People die every day rather you know them or not. The point is that some one has lost their life. I am also thankful for GOD because with out him i believe none of this would be posible. I am thankful for things i do on a day to day bases. I am blessed. I am thankful. WHAT ARE YOU?

Friday, November 19, 2010

post #2

One of the angels we learned about in class is CLOSE UP.
This shows a character face and shoulder's mainly. It is close enough you can see the face clearly.

Another angel we learned was HIGH ANGEL.

This angel is high up but looks down and makes you skinny looking.

An angel that we didn't not talk about is CUT IN ANGELS.
These angels are cut off and gets to the detail of the picture for the most part.

Monday, November 15, 2010

1st-3ird Six Weeks

Interesting Interesting! That's me Mika Ray. I love to have fun. The most interesting thing that has happen to me is on Nov.15.2k10 at lunch we were all talking about our weekend. We rapped made beats and sing. We got to loud and the principals came over to us. Then finally the bell rang it was time to go to class. Two of my friends and i went walking down the hallway singing a band chant as loud as we could. We keep running into teacher's but of course that didn't stop us. :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Good/Bad Movie

GOOD:                                      Bad:
Intresting                                   lame
Details                                       unorganized
Quality                                      no point
Clear point                                Bad directing
Determination                          No theme
Organized                                 Not intresting
Acting skills                            
An awwing moment                        Movies always have and always will be around. The point is that you want the movie to be satisfying. No one wants a movie that's boring people will just want there money back. The point of you making the movie is to satisfy others and as well as getting paid. People don't  get satisfyed then you don't get paid.

My favorite Movie

My favorite movie is love and basket ball. It show good quality in relation ships. It starts with two kids growing up to be best friends. They grew together witch i think is good as far as knowing each other. You already know each other likes and dislikes etc... They both shared a passion of love for basketball. They stood each other to the furthest existent. They grew from each other to only return to one another to get married and have a child. I love this movie it show good THINGS